- Crime Reported
- Arrest Made
- Bond Set
- Review by District Attorney
- or Grand Jury
Grand Jury:
A group of 12 citizens, sitting for a six month term, responsible for
deciding probable cause in criminal cases. An assistant district attorney
presents the outline of the case, provides testimony from victim/witnesses,
and leaves the Grand Jury with the complete case file. The Grand Jury
votes in secret to return a TRUE BILL (indictment) or a NO TRUE BILL
(the case is dismissed due to lack of sufficient evidence). The Grand Jury
can reconsider a no billed case it sufficient new evidence appears.
- Bill of information or indictment issued
- Arraignment
- Motions and Hearings
- Pre-Trial Conference
- Trial (Jury or Judge)
Jury Trial:
In a criminal trial, the jury must believe BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that
the defendant committed the crime with which he is charged. This means
that a juror must have no reasonable doubts about the defendant's guilt.
If a juror has a reasonable doubt, that juror must vote "NOT GUILTY".
- Presentence Investigation
- Sentencing
- Appeals
It is your RIGHT to be present at all court proceedings
of the defendant's case. Your presence is not mandatory,
however, unless you have been subpoenaed to appear.
If you choose not to be present, you can request that
you be informed of the outcomes of all proceedings.